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Saturday, June 22, 2013

Jon Stewart Guests With Egyptian 'Twin'

You may have seen Egyptian funny man Bassem Youssef--often called (here) "The Jon Stewart of Egypt"--mentioned on The Daily Show, and then welcomed as a guest there a few weeks back.  He's run afoul and threatened with prison there for his mockery of top officials.   Yesterday, Jon showed up in Cairo (remember, he's abroad shooting a movie) and appeared on Youssef's show.  Here's a cool McClatchy write-up.  "But he was no match for Youssef, who turned to the crowd and said in Arabic, 'They call him the Bassem Youssef of America, and he imitates me.'  He translated what he said to Stewart as: 'I just said you are an inspiration to me.'”

Stewart, looking a little more grey, and scruffier,  delivered a serious message: “If your regime is not strong enough to handle jokes, then you have no regime. . . . Yes, maybe (a joke) is an insult, but it is not an injury."  Full segment below:

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